
Along with co-author Louise van Swaaij, I am also known as creator and creator of The Atlas of Experience. A first version of the book (published by Bloomsbury in 2000) was translated into 17 different languages in a circulation of more than half a million copies distributed worldwide. 

A completely revised edition, The Great Atlas of Perception and the Small Atlas of Experience appear with Amsterdam-based publisher de Harmonie.

In my shop you can order the books, but all kinds of other products are also available: individual maps, a large map of the World of Experience, a folding map (handy on the go!) and you can add your own place names to various islands and order a unique print. 

In 2018, it published From A to B (and back), an atlas that leads along a trajectory of reality and fantasy in fifty maps. Cities, villages, mountains and seas with names of feelings and sensory experiences are linked by roads, railway lines and rivers. From A to B (and back again) shows you the way, but also lets you get lost in your own imagination.


You see at a glance how you take a journey, make a decision, overcome your fears, get disappointed, overcome setbacks, meet a new love or find a job (and lose it again), how you forget things, learn, find happiness or achieve success.

I have been working on a successor to the Grand Atlas of the World of Experience. This edition will also be published by de Harmonie publishers, but it is still unknown when.

Unfortunately, there are some very similar imitations of the Atlas of the World of Experience in circulation, used for personal development training and evaluation, among other things. These derivative associative cartographies regularly confuse fans and readers of my work. However, these imitations based on the World of Experience are expressly not exploited with the permission of the authors or the publisher.

